Visualizing Marathon

Duration: -March 2012 (2 days)
Other team members: -Apurva, Mehul, Vikas
Description: - It was a data visualizing competition in which challenge was to represent the data in more easy to understand, meaningful, effective, visually appealing and interactive way. This was a two day 9am to 9 pm, in total 24 hours competition. The problems statement given to us was to ‘Show the effect of increasing number of Cardio-Vascular Diseases patients in India’. We decided to make an info-graphic about it. 

Day 1
Major time of day one we used in data – to took out the useful for use, find patterns in them, in doing calculations and finally prepare some ‘one line facts’ which we thought could affect viewer’s mind in more intense way. At the end of the day, we discussed on basic storyline, overall layout, starting of the info-graphic and next day’s work.

Day 2
On the second day, we were involved in design of it. We came with a theme through which our target was to give it feel of cardio–vascular elements by following ways:-
1. Use of blood circulatory systems to give direction of reading t viewer.
2. Use of arteries, veins and pulse rate etc. for visuals of the facts.
3. Use of ECG graph as background
4. Colors used   

For us, it resulted as a great learning experience and nice opportunity to get exposed to other design school students.
Data given to us can be viewed here